Web Optimization: Buzzword or Business Website Must-Have?

web optimization

Web Optimization: Buzzword or Business Website Must-Have?

No doubt you have heard of the phrase “web optimization.” This concept continues to be a hot topic in content marketing, but is it merely a buzzword? Will all the hype and buzz regarding web optimization fade with the next technological advancement? As you look to formulate a plan to increase your business website’s visibility, these questions are worth answering. After all, wasting your time on frivolous or outdated efforts does not fall at the top of your to-do list. In fact, your valuable time allows for minimal error or missteps. Let’s take a look at what is optimized content, and why business websites need it.

What Is Optimized Content?

Optimization refers to making content interesting and useful to internet users while increasing conversions and revenues for businesses. In other words, it connects the right information, the right audience and the right results. Targeted and insightful, optimized content increases the chance of developing a positive and fruitful relationship between business and consumer.

Getting Noticed

Specifically, search engine optimization (SEO) gets a web page noticed by search engines. This visibility results in the website and content appearing on search engine results pages (SERPs). Of course, such notoriety places you right in front of users, and these users turn into your potential customers.

Look Behind the Scenes

To achieve SEO, web developers look at behind the scenes. Web developers examine on-page practices, off-page coding, and promotional approaches. On-page SEO offers organic results, such as keyword use, that occur naturally on the page. Off-page techniques include link-building and social media marketing that drive user traffic back to your site.

Why Do Websites Need Optimized Content?

Well, isn’t user traffic the goal of creating a website? Yes, but not just any user. Matching a user with your product or service based on interest increases the odds of a conversion. After all, droves of traffic are worthless if no one stops long enough to engage the content. Quality, optimized content draws users to websites relevant to their searches or needs.

There’s Buzz

As to the buzz of this strategy, content for future search optimization standings are grounded in statistics. While content marketing existed through the early days of the field, digital and alternative media solutions increase the stakes. Using traditional and digital resources, content specific to consumer needs and interests becomes a streamlined reality. According to 2014 statistics:

— Global content marketing grew 13 percent, equaling $26.5 billion.

— Projected growth in the 2014 to 2019 period raises this figure to $50 billion.

— Business to business (B2B) content made up 53 percent of the global market.

— Business to customer (B2C) content grew faster at a rate of 14 percent.

— Branded mobile content and apps grew the fastest at 62 percent acceleration.

Catch Them On-the-Go

The need to meet harried, on-the-go customers as they search is one major key to success. These figures indicate that the need for optimization lasts beyond the buzz. Content marketing is here to stay. Do you need more proof?

— In 2014, 64 percent of web traffic was driven by organic searches, according to Conductor.

— Google accounted for 90 percent of global organic search traffic in 2015.

— The difference in click rates on the first five SERPs as opposed to the second five tallied at over 60 percent higher for a top five ranking.

Moving On Up

Optimized web content lands your site or content in the top search results. Without a marketing plan which includes intentional SEO strategies, your business website floats in the growing pool of hard to see options.

How Do Optimized Websites Benefit Businesses?

While these facts and figures offer general reasons to use SEO, specific strategies of content optimization better detail the benefits for business websites.

Get the Word Out

The whole point of optimizing content is to increase visibility. Yes, the search engine needs to find it, if customers are to find you.

Pair Topics and Keywords Correctly

Keyword stuffing is out. Strategic keyword use is in. Techniques, such as placing keyword phrases within the first 100 words, using long-tailed keywords and keyword variations, offer natural content reads. This use enables search engines to find your site or content and match it with users. Pairing topics with keywords correctly ensures the right user finds your content. Writers and content developers need insights to make the best use of keywords and categories to get noticed. Proper use of keywords and topics also helps avoid reader annoyance.

Optimize All Content

Search algorithms for Google and others aim for quality. Search engines are not interested in raising a multitude of possibilities, but rather just the best content for the user. More and more, creating a valuable user experience remains the goal of search engines. Optimizing content meets this goal while increasing traffic, conversions, and revenue. The following components offer opportunities for optimization:

— One main keyword phrase in all content.

— Content file names.

— Content description fields.

— Categories and topics.

— Promotion materials.

Join the Social Circles

Word of mouth continues to be a promising means of promotion. After all, we love to take the recommendations of friends and families over a random search. Digital technologies distribute high-quality recommendations and content to users in ways previously unknown. Once the gossip chain seemed to run at warp speeds, but no one saw this coming. Social media platforms offer a means of spreading stories at the speed of light. Experience with social media shows we share the good, the bad and the ugly. Capitalizing on Facebook and Twitter posts with optimized content spreads your message and draws users to your site.

How to Create Interest With Users

Optimized pages offer web content that appeals to visitors and search engines. Content that matches their interests and is valuable to users increases engagement.

Know Your Audience

SEO syncs with answers the who and why, plus more, questions of marketing.

— Who are you developing content for?

— Why do we develop content?

— What currently draws users?

— What current customer needs are left unmet?

— Which consumer points arise from understanding buyer personas and profiles?

Optimizing content based on inquiries such as these creates a valuable user experience. Speaking to the needs of your audience makes them feel valued and cared for beyond a conversion number. This fosters an ongoing business relationship.

Offer Relevancy

Search results use factors such as a user location, search history, the date and more to provide content that best addresses a query. SEO offers clues within content to match the ideal user across these factors with your site. After all of this, you earn a hit on your website.You already know the frustration of looking for something and having to search through several websites to find the one that offers any useful information. SEO streamlines this process to ensure users find what they are looking for on the first try. Your name needs to be in this SERP to attract consumers interested in your products or services.

Find the Gaps (i.e. Opportunities)

Getting noticed in a sea of web information requires creativity. Well-crafted verbal content, images and video components help your site rise above the flood of mediocrity. Plus, well thought out website aesthetics and design get attention for all the right reasons. Knowing the competition and how your website compares offers insight. Perusing competitor sites identifies where they shine and fall short. This information proves useful in creating content which addresses any gaps in the market. Your business site then shines differently without simply becoming more of the same.

How to Compel Users to Take Action

Compelling content encourages visitors to take action. Isn’t this the goal? Inputting information, asking a question, making a conversion offer and engaging the visitor all are worth noticing.

Partner Along the Journey

Optimization does not only include the first hit but every step of engagement along the way. The full journey from the first visit to conversion opens doors to be strategic with content. Studying this process reveals areas of untapped potential in reaching your consumers. Optimizing at each opening leads to conversion and revenue increases.

Measure Success

Knowing how users engage with your content allows you to adjust and optimize more fully. In order to do so, defining and measuring along the pathway proves vital. Measurements for rankings, traffic, conversion and revenue keep you informed as to the value of your efforts. Multiple touch points offer a visual picture of your success.

No Need to Go It Alone

Finding a reputable solutions company offers reassurance and up-to-date experience and expertise on making the most of your website. Their wide range of services meets you where you need help while allowing you to focus on areas in which you feel confident. Plus, you maintain control and hands-on involvement to the degree that you desire. Consider consulting with a company that maximizes SEO efforts.

All the buzz about web optimization bears out to profitable returns for business websites. The projected longevity of content marketing and increasing specificity of search algorithms suggest that you take action on SEO. Plus, this strategy helps you get the word out, interest users and compel them to action through thoughtful interaction between your content and search algorithms.

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